Dubbed 'Patch Perfect' by Vogue, you can now sign up to one of our monthly subscription packages for huge savings and the convenience of knowing your vitamin patch supply won't run out anytime soon! Our 12-month Vitamin Patch subscription package offers the best saving at £37.50 each month, that's £450 a year!
Subscribe now and be worry-free!
- Vitamin B12 Patches
- Vitamin B Complex Patches
- Vitamin D3 Patches
£134.97 / Month
Original Price: £149.97
SAVE 10%
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- 32 patches
- Vegan friendly
- Benefits those suffering from low energy and fatigue
- Alleviates muscle pain
- Strengthens bones
- Improves vision
- Helps memory
- Generates improvements in mood and physical health
- Plays a vital and supportive role for those who want to increase their nutritional intake
1200mg Vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin), 400mg Folic Acid, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B3, Vitamin C and Vitamin E.
- 32 patches
- Vegan friendly
- Plays an important role in the human body's metabolism
- Supports the brain and nervous system
- Enables the body to perform all activities normally
- Enhances the activity of the immune system
- Prevent fatigue and burnout due to depleted vitamin reserves
1000mcg Vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin), 400mcg Vitamin B1 (thiamin diphosphate), 200mcg Vitamin B2 (riboflavin 5′-phospate), 200mcg Vitamin B5(pantethine), 100mcg Folic Acid, 50mcg Vitamin B3 (inositol hexanicotinate) and 50mcg Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal 5′-phospate).
- 32 patches
- Combats Vitamin D deficiency due to inadequate sunlight exposure
- Promotes a healthy immune system
- Aids the absorption of calcium, improving bone health
5000 IU Vitamin D3 (Cod liver oil extract), and 250mg Magnesium.

Each Subscription Includes A Monthly Supply Of 1 Pack of Glutathione Patches (30 Patches/Pack)
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- 30 patches
- Vegan friendly
- Plays an important role in the human body's metabolism
- Supports the brain and nervous system
- Enables the body to perform all activities normally
- Enhances the activity of the immune system
250mg Glutathione, 50mg Vitamin C
- Prevent fatigue and depression due to depleted vitamin reserves

Each Subscription Includes A Monthly Supply Of 1 Pack of Clarity Patches (30 Patches/Pack)
Subscribe now and be worry-free!
Guaranteed safe
checkout with SSL Security.
- 30 patches
- Vegan friendly
- Caffeine-free
- Reduces Tiredness
- Increases focus
- Supports cognitive function.
- Helps to expel harmful toxins from the body that can otherwise diminish memory and concentration.
150mg Vitamin C, 100mg 5HTP - Amino Acid, 100mg Vegan Omega 3 EPA & DHA Oil, 60mg N-Acetyl Carnitine, 25mg Magnesium Malate, 10mg Vitamin B6, 10mg Vitamin B5 - Pantothenic Acid, 2mg Vitamin B1 - Thiamin, 2mg Vitamin B2 - Riboflavin, 1mg Vitamin B3 - NE Niacin, 300ug Vitamin A, 300ug Vitamin B12, 100ug DFE Folate, 38ug Vitamin D, Algal Oil, Medical Grade Adhesive (Latex Free).

"Noticeable results have been a boost of energy, deeper sleep, quicker recoveries from my training, enhanced mood and definitely a kick start to my metabolism."
"Injections are not within everyone's budget and would therefore highly recommend the vitamin patches... I definetly felt the health benefits of continual use over the month... The slim patch packaging takes up minimal amount of space"
"12 hours of vitamin B complex... still going strong with my stick on"
We do not diagnose or treat any medical condition or disease. Our products are for health maintenance only. Nothing in the information provided is intended to treat or cure disease or to replace conventional medical approaches.
- No cancellation once first shipment has been made
- Early Termination Fee: If customer terminates the subscription prior to its expiration, VIL reserves the right to collect the discounted amount of the total payment made to VIL during previous months immediately preceding termination plus a £50 penalty fee
- Subscriber is responsible for providing the correct delivery address. Any changes to the delivery address must be notified at least 5 days before the next delivery cycle
- Some of the offer details may change as you receive deliveries over time (for example, price, taxes, availability and shipping charges). If the item is unavailable when we plan to ship it, you authorise us to fulfill your order with trial packs that equal the same amount of patches for one month's supply
- All returns under Subscribe and Save are subject to the Returns policy. Subscribe and Save subscriptions are void where prohibited