B Vitamins: Cyanocobalamin, Methylcobalamin and Hydroxocobalamin Injections
At Vitamin Injections London, we offer Cyanocobalamin, Methylcobalamin and Hydroxocobalamin B vitamin injections. In case you’re unfamiliar with these different ingredient types, here are some key facts:
- Cyanocobalamin is a molecule and a synthetic chemical that isn’t naturally present in the body, although once it reaches the bloodstream via an intramuscular (IM) injection, the body will convert it into Methylcobalamin. Although small amounts of unconverted Cyanocobalamin will remain in the system, this is typically nothing more than is ‘left behind’ from the consumption of common supplements and foodstuffs containing B vitamins.
Cyanocobalamin injections are totally safe and effective in the treatment of fatigue, stress and low energy. However, there are certain instances where Methylcobalamin injections are a better choice:
- Methylcobalamin is found naturally in the body and is required for its optimal functioning. When it’s injected into the muscles as a regular IM shot or when ingested orally, it doesn’t tax the body with the need for conversion. Aside from this, two of the key benefits of Methylcobalamin B vitamin injections over Cyanocobalamin injections are the greater amount of time that the former persists once it enters the body, as well as its higher potency.
In cases presenting with a severe B vitamin deficiency, Methylcobalamin injections are highly recommended. Principally, this is due to the fact that individuals who are highly B vitamin deficient may experience a delay in the conversion of Cyanocobalamin into Methylcobalamin. For healthy individuals who desire a super-fast ‘pick me up’, Methylcobalamin injections are slightly more fast-acting than their synthetic counterpart, although both are highly effective. As a premium form of B vitamin, Methylcobalamin injections are more highly priced in comparison to Cyanocobalamin injections, which makes a course of treatment a more expensive undertaking.
- Hydroxocobalamin A pure form of B vitamin, Hydroxocobalamin is suitable for older individuals who wish to address B vitamin deficiency, for those with inflammatory skin conditions, and for those who desire to improve the condition of their hair, skin and nails.
For more information, contact our friendly customer service team through our online form or call Vitamin Injections London to book an appointment on +44 (0) 203 823 6551.